James G. Wigmore
Jim Wigmore has worked as a forensic toxicologist for over 29 years at one of the foremost forensic laboratories in North America- the Centre of Forensic Sciences in Toronto, Ontario. He testified in over 700 criminal cases throughout Canada and in numerous personal injury civil cases and coroner’s inquests. He has published over 70 scientific articles in forensic toxicology which have been cited by the Supreme Court of Canada, as well as numerous book chapters and 3 books including one on the medicolegal aspects of cannabis.
Jim has been interviewed numerous times on the CBC and other media on the issues arising out of the legalization of cannabis in Canada. He was on the expert panel of Health Canada on public information regarding this drug. He received the prestigious Derome Award from the Canadian Society of Forensic Sciences for his outstanding contributions to the field of forensic science.
Let him drink and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more
H. Ward Smith Award, Canadian Society of Forensic Science, 1987
Director’s Award, Centre of Forensic Sciences, 1989
Citation, Deputy Solicitor General of Ontario, 1992
Citation, Minister of Justice for work on the Alcohol Test Committee, 1994
Derome Award, Canadian Society of Forensic Sciences, 2005
Memberships in Scientific and Professional Societies
Canadian Society of Forensic Science Alcohol Test Committee (1992- 2005)
Canadian Society of Forensic Science, Toxicology Section, Member (1985-2005), Fellow (2005)
American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Toxicology Section
The International Association of Forensic Toxicologists
International Association for Chemical Testing
To download my CV, please click here.